This weekend I finally got fed up using the dremels we have in the salon and decided to buy my own. For some background: We use the cordless, rotary dremels with the sanding attachment in the salon to "grind," aka file, dog's nails. It makes them shorter, smoother, and there's less of a chance of quicking them (cutting too far and making them bleed). Well, the ones in the salon get dropped all the time, don't get charged regularly enough, get over-worked, and are basically garbage. Tonya recently decided that groomers need to buy their own (just like they do with everything else) but that the bathers could continue to use the ones PetSmart owns (just like we do with everything else). However, I do so many nail grinds on the weekends and I was just so tired of futzing around trying to find a charged battery and a head that actually works on high and low. So, I decided that I was going to use my tip money and just buy my own- they're only $20 at Wal-Mart anyways. I present, my dremel!

Since it's mine, I can horde it, not let anyone else use it, and make sure it's always fully charged when I go in to work. I figured it was also a good investment anyways since it could come in handy for other sorts of artsy/theatery projects and all I would have to do is buy the proper attachment for the job.
I also finally returned my watch that didn't fit. :( It was double sad because I just wasn't thrilled about any of the other watches they had at Target and couldn't find one to get to replace it. I wandered around the store for a while and saw that this hat was wicked on sale and decided to buy it as a consolation.
It's fun and colorful, which was basically the point of the watch. It is just slightly less functional, and I'll probably still be on the lookout for a fun, colorful watch. I wore it today, though, and I'm enjoying it very much.
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