01 September 2014

Outfits of the Week!

When I was in Maui, Lilly gave me a TON of clothes. So many clothes, in fact, that I realized I could wear a new outfit every day for the first two weeks of rehearsal and not repeat anything. To that end, I took way too many selfies this week. But behold, my outfits of the week!

I apparently was not at all consistent with how far I was away from the mirror, but you get the idea! I also unfortunately forgot to take a full body photo on the first day of rehearsal, but I did take a head shot when I got home. :)

Tuesday and Thursday were both shirts I got from Lilly. The dress I wore on Thursday was also from Lilly. The shirts I were on Wednesday and Friday were actually from Mum. Sunday we went to 10 o'clock mass at the local Catholic church, so I wore one of my tried and true dresses for that, rather than wearing something new.

I may do a similar thing for this coming week since there are still plenty of new clothes for me to wear! It also helped keep my spirits up and motivated me to lay out my clothes the night before, which makes my morning just go so much better.

1 comment:

  1. You look REALLY CUTE in that floral collared shirt from mum!
